Applications for the 2022 British Skin Foundation/British Photodermatology Group (BSF/BPG) Small Grant Awards are currently closed.

Applicants can expect to be notified via email with the outcome of their applications by the end of November 2022.

For all general enquiries regarding BSF grants, please contact [email protected]

About the Award

A British Skin Foundation/British Photodermatology Group (BSF/BPG) Small Grant is available to anybody wishing to carry out U.K or R.O.I based research into photodermatology.

  • Only one project to be submitted per person per grant round
  • The project should be a small or pilot project
  • The maximum amount of funds available for each award is £10,000
  • Not more than 50% of the small grant to be used on buying equipment
  • If part of another project, the small grant is to make-up at least 30% of the total funding
  • Assessment of the grants will take into account requests which are of a more immediate clinical relevance
  • Applicants are expected to demonstrate the value of the project to dermatology
  • No ‘top-ups’ or extensions are available for any reason
  • The maximum duration of the award is 1 year (although this may be extended by negotiation where there are issues around flexible working or career breaks/maternity leave)
  • Successful awards must be activated within 12 months
  • Successful applicants will provide the BSF office with a researcher ‘ORCHID ID’ upon activation of the grant
  • Awards are claimed by authorised finance departments submitting a single invoice for the full amount
  • A scientific and a simple lay report to be submitted upon completion
  • The British Skin Foundation and British Photodermatology Group’s support are to be mentioned in any relevant papers or presentations and copies to be forwarded to the BSF office.

As part of the award process the BSF's Small Grants Advisory Committee use the following criteria when reviewing applications:

  • Value to patients with skin disease
  • Scientific quality
  • Value for money

The decision of the BSF Small Grants Advisory Committee for all applications is final.

Please note: The British Skin Foundation is no longer be able to provide feedback for unsuccessful grant applications.

Application Form & Supporting Documents

To access an unsubmitted application form still 'in progress', click here.
To see the application form used in 2022's BSF/BPG Small Grant Awards, please click here.