May 2024

Addressing the unmet needs in skin and mental health

In an exciting step towards helping people with skin issues and their mental health, the British Skin Foundation (BSF) and the Skin Health Alliance (SHA) have teamed up to introduce the 2024 Psychodermatology Research Award. This award aims to improve how we understand and treat the connection between skin and mental well-being.

Bridging the gaps in psychodermatology research

Psychodermatology, the study of the relationship between the mind and the skin, has emerged as a vital area within dermatology. However, despite its significance, there remains a lack of comprehensive research and resources dedicated to understanding and addressing psychodermatological conditions.

The 2024 Psychodermatology Research Award aims to bridge these critical gaps by providing funding and support to innovative research projects focused on advancing knowledge in this field.

James Stalley - Executive Director Strategy, Operations & Partnerships at the Skin Health Alliance, expresses his enthusiam at the announcement of the The 2024 Psychodermatology Research Award:

We are thrilled to sponsor the British Skin Foundation/Skin Health Alliance Psychodermatology Research Award 2024. Although the field of psychodermatology has demonstrated substantial importance, it remains an area of healthcare that experiences inadequate financial resources and investigation. This research award recognises this critical gap. Our hope is that fewer people will suffer in the future as we support the development of treatments and strategies. We look forward to the research outcomes that come from this endeavour.

Interested in this opportunity? You can apply by clicking here.

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