Our Community News The Skin Health Alliance donates £190,000 to research January 2019 Donation from the Skin Health Alliance The British Skin Foundation is delighted to accept £190,000 donation from dermatological accreditation organisation, the Skin Health Alliance which will be put towards research into all types of skin diseases, including skin cancer. The organisation awards professional, dermatological accreditation to products, services and brands around the world. This accreditation reassures consumers that the products have been independently verified as skin safe. James Stalley of the Skin Health Alliance James Stalley, Director of the Skin Health Alliance explains, The Skin Health Alliance had a very successful 2018. The increase in demand from consumers and the industry has allowed us to reflect this success by making record charitable contributions towards skin disease research. We are proud to continue supporting the fight against skin disease. The generous donation will go a long way towards helping find treatment and cures for skin conditions. Emma Daniel, British Skin Foundation Fundraising Officer said, “Skin research is very expensive, with the cost increasing year on year. This kind of support from an organisation like the Skin Health Alliance is invaluable to a charity like the British Skin Foundation.” Donate to research BSF melanoma research breakthrough By donating to skin disease research you are helping us to find treatments and cures for common conditions like eczema, acne and psoriasis through to potential killers like melanoma skin cancer. Thank you. Manage Cookie Preferences