What is the British Skin Foundation? Expand The British Skin Foundation is the only UK charity that raises money to fund research into all types of skin diseases, including skin cancer. Sixty percent of British people currently suffer from or have suffered with a skin disease at some point during their lifetime. Whilst some skin conditions are manageable, others are severe enough to kill. We are here to help change that by raising money for vital research to help find cures and treatments for common skin conditions like eczema or acne, through to potential killers like malignant melanoma. Founded in 1996, the British Skin Foundation has supported 450 research projects and awarded £19,500,000 in funding across all skin diseases. Whilst we are dedicated to raising money for research, we also aim to raise awareness of skin diseases in the wider community. We're committed to educating people about the different skin conditions, helping to reduce stigma and promote understanding. The British Skin Foundation receives no statutory funding and relies completely on donations. Find out more about our research here. Matthew Patey, Chief Executive Officer
How can I contact the British Skin Foundation? Expand For all general enquiries 020 7391 6341 / [email protected] Please note we cannot offer individual medical advice through this phone line. Press office only 020 7391 6347 / [email protected] Journalists are welcome to contact the British Skin Foundation for media comments, information and case studies relating to skin disease, skin cancer and sun safety. Please note this phone line is solely for press enquiries. Healthcare professionals If you are a healthcare professional and would like to donate your time to help our charity with media work, please email [email protected] to discuss further. To contact us via post British Skin Foundation, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
How do I apply for a British Skin Foundation grant? Expand Applying for a British Skin Foundation grant can be done through our website which links to an online portal called Blackbaud. Click here to view our grant options and find out more about the application process.
What kind of research does the British Skin Foundation fund? Expand The British Skin Foundation funds research into all types of skin diseases including skin cancer. We fund this research to help find treatments and cures for common diseases such as acne and eczema to potential killers like malignant melanoma.
What research is currently being funded? Expand At any one time there can be as many as 35 projects taking place, some of these can take multiple years.
Do you have information on different skin conditions? Expand There are more than 2,000 skin diseases in existence and although we can’t detail every single one on our website, we do have a comprehensive list on our skinformation pages here. Lots of the most common conditions are listed, along with a few of the rarer diseases.
Do you have a forum for people with skin conditions? Expand The British Skin Foundation works with Talkhealth Partnership to provide a forum for people with skin conditions. By logging on you can chat with other people about skin conditions and skin related issues. Find out more here.
Can I ask a dermatologist a question? Expand Although we don’t have healthcare professionals on hand to answer your questions, if you'd like to find a private consultant dermatologist, you may find our clinic map useful. Search by address to find dermatologist-led clinics near you! Remember, it's always worth speaking to you GP as a first point of call for any skin-related problems, including how they can affect your mental health. In some cases, GP's can refer you to a dermatologist on the NHS or point you towards free talking-based services in your area. The British Skin Foundation also works with Talkhealth to provide online clinics, Q&A's and a skin forum on a variety of topics. Find out more here.
How is the British Skin Foundation funded? Expand The British Skin Foundation relies entirely on donations and receives no statutory funding.
How can I get involved with fundraising? Expand It’s really easy to get involved in fundraising for the British Skin Foundation. If you don’t want to take part in a sporting event, but you’d still like to make a difference then we have lots of ideas for you. Whether it’s a cake sale, sponsored silence, fancy dress day or a coffee morning – we can help. Just check out our fundraising ideas page.
How can I sign up to a sporting event to raise money for the British Skin Foundation? Expand There are so many different sporting events that you can get involved with to raise funds for the British Skin Foundation depending on your interests. Click to find out more about events that involve running, cycling, obstacle races, treks, sky diving or bungee jumping.
How can I tell my skin disease story? Expand By telling your skin story, you help to raise awareness of skin conditions to the wider public. We believe that this goes a long way to helping to educate people and promoting acceptance. It also helps to shine a light on the important work we do at the British Skin Foundation. If you would like to tell your skin story then please email [email protected] for more information.
What does it mean if I see the British Skin Foundation logo on a product? Expand As one of the UK’s leading supporters of skin disease the British Skin Foundation is on occasion approached to independently review the extensive research that companies undertake to ensure their products are not detrimental to the users’ skin health. This review is led by a professional panel made up of at least two independent BSF consultant dermatologists, one of which will be an expert from within the field of study. The BSF panel the technical and clinical data supplied by the companies’ research and development team. As well as electronic presentations subsequent face to face interviews are often necessary to thoroughly cover every aspect of the science behind the product. On the basis of the information shared, the BSF panel will then decide whether to that a product its stated objectives and that every measure is taken to ensure it is not harmful to users or detrimental to skin health. BSF research recognition is neither an endorsement of efficacy nor an indicator of market leadership. The BSF and its panel conduct this work voluntarily preferring that the companies concerned its main aims and objectives and choose to charitably support skin disease research. For further information about research validation please contact [email protected].