2021/2022 winners 

Yet another very tough year for fundraising as Covid-19 restrictions were put back in place at various points throughout the academic year, uncertainty remained high, however, teams did not allow this to stop them and we saw great amounts of hard work and creativity, which we loved.

The 2021/2022 winners...



From burpee challenges to bake sales to an impressive dermatology conference with fantastic speakers which resulted in the society raising a wonderful £2,079. 

MOST CREATIVE: Newcastle DermSoc 

Newcastle DermSoc hosted an iconic charity head shave like we’ve never seen before - we LOVED the idea, the creativity, and the commitment to the cause.

BEST MEDIA PRESENCE: Birmingham DermSoc 

Huge congratulations to Birmingham DermSoc for all their hard work, consistency, and social media magic - we were very impressed. 

2020/2021 winners 

2020/21 was an extremely tough year for fundraising due to the pandemic. Despite all the obstacles, teams remained resilient and enthusiastic, which the BSF team and the BOTDS committee were very impressed with and sincerely grateful for. 

The 2020/2021 winners...

BATTLE OF THE DERMSOCS CHAMPIONS: University of Birmingham DermSoc

University of Birmingham won BOTDS 2020/21 by raising a fantastic £2259!

The society arranged many successful events including; raffles, a running/walking/cycling challenge and a conference. 

MOST CREATIVE: Glasgow DermSoc

The team's numerous fundraising initiatives were exciting, creative and unique.


Newcastle DermSoc won the award as their social media was consistently amazing. Their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were keep up-to-date. Their use of Linktree was also very impressive. 

2019/2020 winners

Despite the numerous challenges that teams faced due to Covid-19, including having to cancel events and the closing of universities, teams collectively smashed last year’s total raising an outstanding £12,556.26  for skin disease research. 

A HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone who took part and helped raise vital funds for research into skin disease and skin cancer. 

The 2019/2020 winners...

BATTLE OF THE DERMSOCS CHAMPIONS: St. George's University London DermSoc

The team, whose committee members were Eve Chiu, Annabelle Lim, Hira Mayet, Mawiyah Haq, Patra Pookarnjanamorakot, Daniel Lai and Austin Tse, raised a tremendous £6,947.67. They achieved this through numerous activities including; ticketed lectures, surgical skills for skin course, twitch streaming gaming tournament, homemade takeaway, and an art sale of President Eve Chiu’s work.

MOST CREATIVE: Barts and The London DermSoc

Barts won this category for not one, but two events they organised. The first was an event at famous Barry's Bootcamp, know for it's intensive and high energy workouts. Fitness remained the theme when Olivia Knowles was unable to take part in a triathlon due to Covid-19, instead, she set herself a new challenge, 3000 burpees in 30 days. We felt this was a great fundraising activity and showed real perseverance in such an uncertain time. Such events raised an incredible £4,317!

BEST MEDIA PRESENCE: Barts and The London DermSoc

The team scooped this award for the second year in a row. Their fantastic Instagram account,@bldermsoc, was full of beautifully created posts that promoted fundraising activities as well as educational information. Congratulations to committee members: Sita Shah, Rayyan Barakat, Divesh Prithviraj, Shraya Pandya, Penelope Stavrou, Parmis Vafapour, Flo Wilkinson, Olivia Knowles, Anita Kaur, Serena Ramjee and Nong Zhang. 

BOTDS 2018 - 2019 Winners

The first year of our Battle of the DermSocs competition was a great success and the BSF team would like to say a big THANK YOU! To everyone who took part and helped raise vital funds for research into skin disease and skin cancer. 

The 2018/2019 winners...


SGUL organised numerous events including a specialities revision weekend course and a surgical skills for skin course, in addition to multiple bake sales. They raised an outstanding £3318! An amazing accomplishment! We are truly grateful to Giulia Rinaldi, Roopa Farooki, Eve Chiu, Alena Malik, Rohith Kumar, Emily Orr and Michelle Warncke for their hard work and dedication. 

MOST CREATIVE: Cambridge University Dermsoc

We loved the fact the team reached out to their community and organised an awareness session at a local school for year 6 pupils on acne and sun protection. In addition, the children baked and sold cakes to fundraise! Thank you to the committee members Zara Ali, Maria Wang, Lucy Mackie, Arvindth Sekaran and Jeremy Solly.

BEST SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE: Barts and The London DermSoc

We thought the team did a great job promoting their fundraising events and generating awareness of skin disease on their social media accounts! They also raised a fantastic £1,371 through Olivia's birthday, multiple bake sales, and teaching events. Thank you very much to all the committee members: Olivia Knowles, Penelope-Zoi Stavrou, Rayyan Barakat, Sita Shah, and Reem Salman. 

Find out how to get involved in BOTDS 2021/22